Work Package 3: ENTHRONE Integrated Management Supervisor
Extend support of MPEG-21 DIA by the AdaptationQoS-based Adaptation Decision-Taking Engine (ADTE) in
order to provide an integrated cross-layer solution for end-to-end QoS;
Explore new innovative adaptation approaches enabling efficient and scalable Digital Item Adaptation with a
minimal metadata overhead;
Develop and implement new adaptation decision algorithms that take advantage of multicast and caching;
Add support for multicast-based services and access networks QoS-enabled;
Implement MPEG-21 Event Reporting for service monitoring purposes;
Develop and implement of an intelligent tool (MATool) for the automated extraction, gathering, and generation of
metadata from real-time/offline audio-visual streams and manifold metadata sources (e.g. TV-Anytime, MPEG-7);
Explore approaches for supporting DRM issues within the adaptation decision-taking;
Efficient approaches for management, transport and processing of content and context descriptive metadata;